On October 17, 2009, Rhythm Sistas Drum circle held its final circle of the year at Mosswood Park. It was a beautiful autumn day and the circle was well attended by over 30 drummers from 16 months to 83 years of age. Sista Nahi opened the circle in her special way of connecting us with nature, spirit, and the ancestors.
The circle had many interesting park visitors that day, including a future politico Mr. Candell, who is running for Mayor of Oakland. The pulsating strains of the heartbeat rhythm could be heard from many blocks away as witnessed by Rashida who heard and answered the call. Rhythm Sistas Mar, Charlene, Nahi, and Sandy kept the beat strong.
Women and children drummed together to claim their lineage and promote collective healing. Mandisa led dancing in the middle of the circle with passion and grace. Before closing the circle, the drummers gave a birthday tribute to Mar and Mandisa, and to the other Libra’s of September and October.
The Rhythm Sistas, Charlene, Mar, Monica, Nahi, and Sandy would like to thank all those who have supported and attended the drum circle in 2009. We will be back in 2010 to continue the healing medicine that flows through the drum.
--Sandy Mills
--Sandy Mills